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Workshops & Groups
RAGE (Renegotiating Angry and Guilty Emotions)
​This 6 session program is run by trained Youth Workers and Social Workers where young people learn strategies to manage emotions build resilience and how to cope with and control feeling of anger.
Employability Workshop
​A tailored workshop for young people at any stage of their employment journey. How to find a job, resume writing, teamwork, communication skills, how to manage difficult situations at work, Your Rights in the Workplace (in partnership with Legal Aid), interview skills and time management.
GRASP (Group for Raising Awareness of Suicide and Prevention)
​This 6 week interactive program is designed for young people, targeting those who have attempted, or at risk of attempting, suicide. Each session combines psycho-educational support with interactive activities to increase student’s quality of life and reduce the risk of suicide.
Mental Wellness Workshop
​This 8-session workshop combines the educational aspects of what mental health is, with interactive activities designed to improve participants mental health and wellbeing.
For more information about the workshops and details about the upcoming program schedule, please reach out to
Disability Services
Community Services
Get In Touch
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