Next Steps
Targeting children and families, this project supports them to be well-prepared to handle life transitions and have an increased capacity to be socially connected and have links to supportive environments within their community.
The three services that we offer under the Next Steps Project are:
A 20-week school readiness program - provides children aged 4 – 6 years an opportunity to learn and experience early childhood learning before they transition into Kindergarten. The program consists of 20 sessions of English & Literacy Skills, Mathematics, Science, Creative Arts, Personal Developmental Health and Physical Education. These fun and engaging sessions aid children to learn the skills needed to transition into Kindergarten and have fun becoming used to their new schooling environment.
4 evidence-based programs - support families to manage their children’s behaviours and provide them with the best techniques to deal with any parenting situation.
Abecedarian Training (for children aged 0 -2 years) -focuses on building knowledge of child-development through hands-on and engaging activities.
123 Magic and Emotion Coaching (3 – 5 years) -focuses on providing families opportunities to explore their children’s behaviour and ways to manage this behaviour.
Tuning Into Kids (6 – 12 years) - focuses on providing families strategies to become Emotion Coaches and develop the emotional intelligence of their children whilst learning to manage behaviours.
Tuning Into Teens (13 – 18 years) - focuses on communicating with your teen and how to better understand your teen! This program helps to prevent behavioural issues in teens and how to deal with conflict more effectively.
The Parent Hub Support - an outreach service that supports families and parents to access timely and responsive one-on-one support to navigate local systems and services within the community and receive tailor-made parenting support. This service is unique and innovative as our friendly staff can set up Hubs all over Fairfield LGA to support any parents that need someone to talk to. Our Parents Hub Support is available every day of the week, and with flexible support such as over the phone, in-person or online.