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Individual Case Management 

Early Intervention & Prevention

Available for any young person who may need some additional support with a range of issues including, but not limited to; peer relationships, bullying, school, mental health concerns and seeking employment


Work and Development Orders

CFS Youth Staff are able to complete mentoring programs with young people who have received fines. These can include train fines, speeding fines and court fines. This program is designed as an alternative option to pay off fines for those who cannot otherwise pay them. They will be able to reduce and or eliminate their fines through tailored workshops, mentoring sessions or volunteering.


School Suspension Program

This program works with young people who have received long suspensions from school by providing case management services as well as assistance with integrating back into school with the aim of reducing the likelihood of the young person being re-suspended in the future.


Youth Justice Conferences

CFS Case Workers are able to support young people through their Youth Justice Conferences assisting with mentoring, helping the young person complete their outcome plan and supporting them to make better decisions in the future.


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